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Monthly Archive

July 1993

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 15 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Issue 3 (July - September 1993)
Dr. M. Y Kamaruddin

Honey: A Healing for Mankind Throughout The Ages

INTRODUCTION There is a natural healing power in honey of great benefit to man. This is affirmed in verses 68-9 of sura al-Nahl in the Qur’an: And your Lord inspired the bee: ‘Build your homes in the... read more..

Issue 3 (July - September 1993)
B. Erzurumluoglu

Crime in The West

Since the Second World War there has been, in the countries of Western Europe and in the USA, an extraordinary increase in the material prosperity of all classes, along with improvements in health car... read more..

Issue 3 (July - September 1993)
M. Fethullah Gulen

The Saviour Awaited By Our Generation

Our young people are living in and through a most distressing period. The neglect of past centuries has brought us to the calamities we are experiencing now. The young have been buried under a heavy b... read more..

Issue 3 (July - September 1993)
S. Ozcan

Agrobacterium: A Natural Genetic Engineer of Plants

Plants are the key to life on earth. They are, directly or indirectly, the primary source of energy for all terrestrial animals; for instance plants supply directly 90% of calorific intake, and 80% of... read more..

Issue 3 (July - September 1993)
Ali Unal

Man and Religion

At birth man has no conscious knowledge about himself or about the environment around him; nevertheless, he is not an alien but fitted for the world into which he is born. To begin with, his body is m... read more..

Issue 3 (July - September 1993)
M. Gulesin

Factory of Future

Artificial Intelligence is a promising approach to automating process planning. Expert Systems or Intelligent Knowledge Based Systems are able to automate the reasoning activities to capture logic, ex... read more..

Issue 3 (July - September 1993)
Dr. H. Nurbaki

The Secret of Vitality in The Soil

And a sign for them is the earth that is dead: We give it life and We bring forth from it grain, so from it they eat.(36.33) There are a number of points in this verse which can bear explication fro... read more..

Issue 3 (July - September 1993)
The Fountain

The Reach of Ardent Desire

Everything in our world of ardent desire and delight is rose-coloured And so absorbs us we can hardly tell spring from summer; The enchanting song of faith is on our tongues, And in our hearts a lo... read more..

Issue 3 (July - September 1993)
The Fountain

A Commentary On The Contemporary World

Third Remark Man, with respect to action and bodily endeavors, is no more than a weak animal, a helpless creature. So limited a circle is the realm at his disposal in this respect that his fingers ca... read more..

Issue 3 (July - September 1993)
M. A. Sayar

The Tragedy of the Amazon

The Amazon tropical rainforest is the largest in the world, spanning nine Latin American countries-Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guinea and Surinam -and covering ... read more..

Issue 3 (July - September 1993)
A. Gucel

Why is Slaughtering Animals Prescribed as It Is

Muslims are permitted to slaughter animals for food, and the manner of doing so is carefully prescribed in the Qur’an and Sunna. To depart from that prescribed manner is to render the meat of the anim... read more..

Issue 3 (July - September 1993)
A. Hayran

Bishr b. Harith

All human beings are fallible, liable to err and to sin. This is true of even the most revered saints. What is necessary is to cleanse oneself of all sins through repentance, asking forgiveness with r... read more..

Issue 3 (July - September 1993)
Dr. Isa Sarac

The Sun

Surely every person at some time looks up at the sun and moon and the brilliant stars and asks, who positioned all these so perfectly on the face of the sky’? People have always marvelled at the read more..

Issue 3 (July - September 1993)
M. A. Sahin

Questions for Today - Prophethood

What is it? What does it mean for people? Did all the prophets appear in the Arabian Peninsula? Were there any people among whom a prophet was not raised? If so, can those to whom prophets were no... read more..

Issue 3 (July - September 1993)
Z. Sarikaya

A Mother's Prayer

I was allowed to stay in hospital at my son’s bedside not as his mother but as a doctor. He was taken into care in a special room in the hospital, along with other children also thought to be affected... read more..

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