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Science Square (Issue 159)

Science Square
| The Fountain | Issue 159 (May - Jun 2024)

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Science Square (Issue 159)

Evening May Be the Best Time of Day to Exercise

New research suggests that exercising in the evening might offer additional health benefits, particularly for individuals living with obesity. Scientists analyzed data from 30,000 volunteers aged 40 and above without pre-existing cardiovascular disease. Using activity trackers, the researchers categorized participants based on their timing of moderate to vigorous aerobic physical activity: morning, afternoon, or evening (after 6 p.m.). Over nearly eight years of follow-up, evening exercisers showed the lowest risk of developing cardiovascular disease and mortality compared to those who didn't exercise or exercised at other times. This pattern persisted even when considering factors like age and smoking history. Interestingly, the benefits of exercising in the morning or afternoon were still notable compared to no exercise, but they were not as pronounced as those seen with evening exercise. This trend remained consistent among individuals with type 2 diabetes, suggesting broader implications for managing obesity and related conditions. While the findings underscore the importance of regular physical activity regardless of timing, they offer insights for individuals seeking to optimize their exercise routines, particularly those with obesity or diabetes. Further research is needed to validate these results and explore potential mechanisms underlying the observed associations. Ultimately, understanding the timing of physical activity could inform personalized approaches to obesity and type 2 diabetes management in the future.

Sabag et al. Timing of moderate to vigorous physical activity, mortality, cardiovascular disease, and microvascular disease in adults with obesity. Diabetes Care, April 2024.

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